We’ve made all the bug fixes, changes, and improvements that we’re going to make. Starting tonight, Adam and I are just doing playtesting on the new levels, and adjusting the timings and scoring system to make it a bit harder to get gold.
I’m not allowed to show you all the visual changes we made. However, I can tell you that getting gold on all levels in any stage unlocks a surprise. Further, each stage holds it’s own surprise. Further still, getting golds on all levels will get you yet another surprise. Lots of surprises. Surprise!
On iOS, there will be a significant performance improvement. Several of the images have been touched up for higher resolution displays. We added a Facebook link on the title screen. We also added a periodic prompt for the user to rate the game. Finally, we added a banner in the level select menu to make it easier to buy the game. Some users mentioned not knowing how to buy the full game; we had previously hidden the buy button in the settings screen, or you had to complete all the levels before it prompted you to buy.
If all goes well, we’ll be submitting the update this weekend. Then it’s on to the next project!